Etiquette - What's right, what's not???
So I got a call from CBC. They are preparing a segment on Guest and Bridal Etiquette, and wanted to speak to a wedding planner about all these etiquette issues that seem to be on every bride's mind and even more on guests minds!!! Simple questions such as "Is it ok to give Cash as a gift" or "how can you tell your guests not to bring their children, without insulting anyone" or " Is it proper etiquette to have a B-List incase not all you're A-listers end up coming?"
Etiquette is important, however it is also important to know that at the end of the day you as the couple have to do what is right for you and your situation. You don't need to pay for accommodations for guests, however if you chose to, there is no rule against it. Same thing if you want to pay for your bridal party dresses, there is no rule saying you shouldn't or should, so it depends on your circumstances and your budget of course. So my advise to all couples out there is to not worry too much about what is right or wrong...because what might be right for one couple, might not apply to you! Plan your wedding with your heart...however keep an open mind and whenever you are not sure what would be the proper thing to do, then go on the web or buy a Peggy Post book and I assure you all your questions will be answered!!
As for the CBC segment. It will be aired in a couple of weeks on the Montreal Living show. As soon as I have the exact dates and time, I will share them with all of you :)
As for the CBC segment. It will be aired in a couple of weeks on the Montreal Living show. As soon as I have the exact dates and time, I will share them with all of you :)
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